Why UX Matters

Why you need UX design process in place and how it will benefit your business.

Better ROI
More satisfied customers
Increase User trust and customer loyalty
Popularity by word of mouth
Creates value
Increased productivity and sales
Reduced training and support costs
Reduced development and maintenance costs

Lean UX For Startups

We help startups stay lean by providing lean UX approach for startups. Instead of doing hefty specs documents, our user experience designers deliver great results using agile based lean methodologies for your UX projects.

User Experience (UX) Design Process

Here are the steps that we follow in creating a successful user experience:

1 Business Requirement

Why you need UX design process in place and how it will benefit your business.

2 User Analysisces

We conduct a thorough study of your users. We explore the needs, motivations and requirements of your users through personal interviews, Focus Group Discussions, surveys, user experience test, observation studies.

3 Generation Of Ideas

We are now ready to generate ideas for your designs. We work with your team and bounce the ideas back and forth. Each idea is separately presented, evaluated against each other and prioritized and evenetually selected for further process.

4 Persona & User Scenarios

Through our research insights, we create the characteristics of your target group. We also generate user scenarios to explore all the ways in which a typical user will approach a task with your product. This will help us understand all the decisions that users will have to take while using your application.

5 Information Architecture

Every aspect of how the user will experience content to the flow of a particular section of your product will be presented by high level architecture maps and screen flow diagrams.

6 Sketching & Wireframing

As the ideas are sorted, some of the most preferred ones by the team are visualized using pen and paper. This helps save time and cost during the process of design, as pen and paper sketches can be tested with the team and iterated quickly without investing much time or resources.

7 Interactive Prototypes

Given the cost and time consumed in creating digital products; we establish interactive prototypes of the same to test them with your real users before working on the final product. The feedback is then used constructively to fine-tune the product.

8 Visual Design

As user experience consultant, our designs are meant to be aesthetic and at the same time easy to use. We can create an extraordinary design as per the user requirement, that is both user friendly and eye catching.

What We Work On

Business Websites

We at Dit India, understand your business needs. Our business website design solutions are cost effective, value for money and help you grow your business.

Ecommerce websites

Designs that build trust: We are known for our unique design of ecommerce websites, in a way that are faster to load and even smoother to browse. They also possess some of the most advanced features to let the solution be most modern and contemporary.

Mobile App Design

With extensive experience in the field of mobile application designing, DIT India is an app design company which will help you achieve all your objectives.

Responsive Web Design

DIT India understands the increased focus on mobility of the customers and as a responsive web design company, it emphasizes on letting the customers feel the success that lies ahead.

UX Review

We do UX review in two part. First part seeks the product’s adherence to the established conventions (Heuristic Evaluation), the other part evaluates the application through a step-by-step stimulated role play (Cognitive Walkthrough).

Client Reviews

Pamela Cisneros / CEO Miami, Florida

I am so happy with the new table implementation I could fly to India to give you a big hug!!!! Yes, it is 1000% better from the non-technical end-user perspective! Thank you for pushing on this and finding another WordPress solution.

Darren / New York, NY

Good response guys. A true partner! Phase 2 in a week or 2.

JP Brind’Amour / Client Services Ontario, Canada

Thanks again for everything! There may still be some small issues with the forms… but I will let you know if I need more help. I am sending a small bonus. You guys did a great job!!

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