Multiple Product Preview
About App

Multiple Product Preview

DIT’s new image swap by thumbnail hover app lets shoppers see the second image for a product by merely hovering over the product’s listing thumbnail. This significantly improves the user experience as shoppers can get multiple product preview without having to go into the product detail page. Product listings and merchandise images are known to help facilitate easier decision-making. Hence, by letting shoppers switch over images by just hovering over product thumbnail, you let them make prompter and better decisions. All of this eventually improves your business.
  • Customers can explore product from different dimensions
  • Different colors of the product can be displayed
  • Different patterns of the product can be presented
  • Easier for customers to compare options
  • Improved user experience

Benefit Of App

By letting shoppers experience image swap by thumbnail hover, this app enhances the user experience and improves business. Here are some more benefits of the app

Multiple Product Preview

Turn your category page into a sales mine by letting shoppers explore the 2nd image of multiple products by simply hovering over their thumbnails.

Facilitate Decision Making

By seeing another color or pattern of the product or viewing it from a different angle, shoppers can make prompter and better decisions.

View Products In Different Dimensions

Multiple images of the product can present it in a different light, either in a different color or pattern or from a completely different angle.

Totally Responsive

The app is totally responsive and the results will work smoothly across different devices and varying screen sizes.

Extensive Documentation

If you want to implement BigCommerce swapping on hover, there is extensive documentation available for the same.

Awesome Support

Are you facing problems with the app? Do you have questions? Don’t fret. Our round the clock support will help you successfully implement the app for your store.

How To Install App.

Initial Step

BigCommerce App

  • Click on BigCommerce Link — BigCommerce App
  • Search – Image interchange by hover And Click on button Get it now
  • After login this App Just Click on install
  • After installing App you can see the App In dashboard here and also click on Multiple Product Preview
  • Click on documentation and follow the all the steps.
Initial Step

BigCommerce App

  • After installation just Follow the steps.
  • Documentaion – This tell user how add the widget in theme both Blue print & Stencils
  • Sycn Setting – User will have to click on sync here when the app is installed first time and whenever user chnages the images of products in bigcommerce.
  • Product Preview Settings – User will can generate the widget that he/she need to place in the theme. More details of this is given in Documentaion.

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