Industry: Electronics items E-store
Platform: Shopify


About E-life
The E-LIFE store came into existence when E-LIFE planned to sell electronics items all together in one place.The main objective of the store is to focus on the electronic gadgets which customers would love to buy. The main aim of this store is to gather customers at one store to buy different electronic gadgets.
E-life & Ditindia Partnership
E-LIFE was interested in developing an online store which will mainly focus on electronic gadgets from a simple charger to the biggest television. The client also wanted us to include some custom features which will be helpful for customers to find the product they needed in an easy way.
New Challenges With Ditindia
A team of skilled and excellent shopify designers and developers in DIT India built the store from scratch including all functionalities required by E-LIFE. Store included some custom features like a currency converter, quick view which made the store more lively and more customer friendly. We are on a way to build a custom filter which will give customers more freedom to choose products of their choice.

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